Student Trips

Click on the trip you are interested in to learn more and reserve your spot!

New York, New York
New York City - September 22-27, 2016
Trip Info | Reservation Form | Terms & Conditions

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Myrtle Beach, SC
Disney World Orlando, FL - November 2-6, 2016
Trip Info | Reservation Form | Terms & Conditions

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Want to be an Exchange Student?
Student Trips

SAI relies on local contacts across the United States for placement, supervision and direct contact with all of our students, host families and schools.

Our Representatives

Our Student American International representatives provide ongoing support for SAI students and their host families, and as such, are key to the SAI support network.

Kim South Carolina Experience: 9 years Fun, easy going, high energy, very involved with all students, organized.
Pat Arkansas Experience: 25+ years Strongest student advocate, passionate about exchange, lived all over the world, very giving, involved in community and church.

View all our Representatives

Our Students

Meet our students and decide if you'll be the loving host family to bring the world closer together for an exchange student.

View our students